07749 223918

IN PERSON Career WorkOut at St Paul's Catholic School

Date 22nd Oct 2024

Time 12:20 - 13:20

Facilitator Michelle


Booking Info

Places remaining: 0

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St Paul's Catholic School
Phoenix Drive


Click for map

How will the session run? 

Career WorkOut introduces students to work guests from different work backgrounds so they can find out what it’s really like in different jobs. Students simply ask guests qustions about their personal experiences of work.

You’ll join 8-10 other work guests to answer questions from small groups of 4-5 students in a carousel of 6-7 minute interviews, a bit like speed-networking!  They’ll ask you open questions about your job, how you got it and what it’s like for you.  When the time is up the students move to the next guest, and so on until the end of the session.

Are there ID or vetting requirements? No, there is no need for ID or vetting because a Worktree facilitator and a school teacher will be present at all times so guests will be supervised. Please ensure that you are never left alone with a student(s).

What can/can't I bring to the event? You don't need to bring anything, just be ready to answer the students' questions honestly. You can bring business cards for networking.

Is my registration/ticket transferrable? If you can't make it, please try to find a replacement and contact Bhupinder on info@worktree.org or 07749 223918 as soon as possible.  

Safeguarding – If a student discloses a concern to you please do not ask any questions. Please inform a member of the Worktree team immediately who will take the next course of action.

Photographs - The School and/or Worktree may take photographs during the session. These photographs may be used on our website as part of a news story to promote future events. If you would prefer that we do not use your image, please let the Worktree Team know as soon as possible or at the event on the day. Guests are not permitted to take photographs during the session using their own personal devices. If you would like a photograph to publicise your involvement in Career WorkOut, please speak to the Worktree team before the event.

Where do I go? Please report to the School Reception where you will be met by a School or Worktree representative.

What time do I need to arrive? Please report to the School Reception 15 minutes before the start time of your session.  

Who is the School contact? The main School contact for this Initiative is Nicola Parkins.

Who is the Worktree contact? Bhupinder Roda, 07749 223918 

What are my transport/parking options getting to the event? 

Main School Car park - very limited parking.  If the car park is full you can park in front of the school even though there are no marked bays and in the bus lanes either side of the car park except between the hours of 2-4pm.  

Car Park 3 (Towards Woughton Leisure Centre) - If the main School car park is full we have been instructed by the School to use Car Park 3.  This is signposted on a blue board.  It is a fairly small sign therefore please look out for the blue board.  Please allow some extra time to park as the School Reception is a few minutes’ walk away.  Directions below:

  • Turn into Moorgate (turning off the H7 Chaffron Way)
  • Take a left turning into Woughton Campus (which is signposted)
  • Take a right turning and follow signs for Milton Keynes College - Car Park 3 (blue board)
  • Drive past the green gated School building which will be on your right hand side and park in the car park ahead.